Special Events

Christmas Concert

Our 3’s and 4’s present a very special Christmas program each year. They bring the meaning of Christmas to their audience through fun songs. We celebrate together afterwards with refreshments.

Chick Hatching and Butterfly Metamorphosis

Children learn about the growth cycle and metamorphosis by directly observing baby chicks hatching and caterpillars transforming into butterflies. Each class is given time daily to observe, analyze and have hands on experiences during this program. Families are invited to stop by the office to visit the chicks and observe the butterfly transformation as well.

Fire Truck Visit

The children will have the opportunity to visit the Union Twp. Fire House. The children, with adult supervision, will walk to the fire house during fire safety month. The children have an opportunity to see the firefighter dressed in his protective gear, learn about the equipment and sit in the fire truck.

Dentist Visit

During dental health month, Dr. Rosivack of Pediatric Dentistry of Union visits our school and talks to the children about visiting the dentist and taking care of their teeth.

Library Visit

Our Pre-K class, with adult supervision, will walk over to the Union Library and have the opportunity explore the books and if they don’t have a library card, they will have the opportunity to sign up for one.


Our 3 and 4 year old classes and Pre-k will participate in a graduation/moving up ceremony during the second week of June. The children will sing songs and receive a certificate.  Refreshments will follow.

Here are some the Enrichment classes your child will enjoy while attending our school.
Mad Science Program
Tumbling and Movement
Petting Zoo
Trailside Musuem